CNRHA-V22-N2 - CN Lines

        CNRHA-V22-N2 - CN Lines

        SKU: CNRHA-V22

        CNRHA-V22-N2 - CN Lines

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        • CA$9.50
        In stock(17 items available)

        CNRHA-V22-N2 - CN Lines The Canadian National Railways Historical Association (known as the CN Lines Special Interest Group prior to 2010) was founded in 1989 as an international operational research and historical group that exclusively focuses on the Canadian National family of railways and promotes the art of modelling them accurately. The focus of the CNRHA is on all constituent parts of the Canadian National system during periods of CN ownership. Except as background, it normally will not include coverage of lines prior to amalgamation into CN, nor components after they have been sold or leased to other operators. The goal of CNRHA is to maintain the largest and most accurate on-line resource dedicated to Canadian National Railways history. This web site contains a wealth of information compiled over many years by dedicated and knowledgeable CNRHA volunteers.

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