Woodland Scenics 1447 SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Foam Putty 1 Pint

        Woodland Scenics 1447 SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Foam Putty 1 Pint

        SKU: 785-1447
        SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Foam Putty 1 Pint
        Not rated yet
        Woodland Scenics
        • CA$13.99
        In stock(6 items available)
        SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Foam Putty 1 Pint This light-weight, nonshrinking filler putty dries with similar characteristics to foam. It s ready to use right from the jar and dries to a bright white color. Perfect for filling cracks between foam sections or small gaps and holes along the layout. Can be sculpted and carved while wet and sanded or carved when dry. Plastic jar comes with an economical 16 ounces of putty.
          • SKU
          • Dimensions (L x W x H)
            14 x 12 x 12 cm
        • Manufacturer
          Woodland Scenics
        • YouTube Video Link
          There is no video related to this product yet.
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