Woodland Scenics 1444 - SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Adhesives

        Woodland Scenics 1444 - SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Adhesives

        SKU: 785-1444
        SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Adhesives
        Not rated yet
        Woodland Scenics
        • CA$16.99
        In stock(7 items available)
        SubTerrain System Foam Accessories Adhesives Perfect for securing Risers and Inclines from the Subterrain System, this adhesive works well on most materials, such as foam, cork, Homasote and wood. Its specially formulated to dry completely when applied between foam sections, unlike most common white glues. Great for gluing large sheets, or thin and narrow pieces, simply apply a bead and press together. By applying a bit of Foam Tack Glue to both surfaces and allowing them to dry for a few minutes, it can be used as a contact cement.
          • SKU
          • Dimensions (L x W x H)
            26 x 9 x 9 cm
        • Manufacturer
          Woodland Scenics
        • YouTube Video Link
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