Woodland Scenics 1212 Water Effects 8 Fluid Ounces

        Woodland Scenics 1212 Water Effects 8 Fluid Ounces

        SKU: 785-1212
        Water Effects(TM) 8 Fluid Ounces
        Not rated yet
        Woodland Scenics
        • CA$21.99
        In stock(7 items available)
        Water Effects(TM) 8 Fluid Ounces Use to model fast-moving water features, such as waterfalls, rapids, waves or churning water. Also great for winter effects like icicles and other ice-like features. Water Effects is mouldable, holds it shape and remains flexible. Let dry until clear. Use on top of fully-dried Realistic Waterâ„¢ to add water movement. Non-toxic. 8 fl oz (236 mL)
          • SKU
          • Dimensions (L x W x H)
            20 x 7 x 7 cm
        • Manufacturer
          Woodland Scenics
        • YouTube Video Link
          There is no video related to this product yet.
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