Woodland Scenics 1202 Mold-A-Scene Plaster

        Woodland Scenics 1202 Mold-A-Scene Plaster

        SKU: 785-1202
        Mold-A-Scene Plaster
        Not rated yet
        Woodland Scenics
        • CA$16.99
        In stock(7 items available)
        Mold-A-Scene Plaster-1/2 Gallon - Dry Mold-A-Scene is a plaster material that can be shaped like modeling clay, but sets like plaster, without a mold. Its longer setting time allows a modeler to add terrain contours to new or existing scenery. It is excellent for dioramas, layouts and models, as well as volcanoes and other school projects. Dries overnight.
          • SKU
          • Dimensions (L x W x H)
            27 x 12 x 12 cm
        • Manufacturer
          Woodland Scenics
        • YouTube Video Link
          There is no video related to this product yet.
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