Walthers SceneMaster 4172 - HO Flags (11) and Mailboxes (8) - Canadian flags used from 1965-prese...

        Walthers SceneMaster 4172 - HO Flags (11) and Mailboxes (8) - Canadian flags used from 1965-present

        SKU: 949-4172
        Flags (11) and Mailboxes (8) - Canadian flags used from 1965-present
        Not rated yet
        • CA$19.99
        In stock(5 items available)
        Flags (11) and Mailboxes (8) - Canadian flags used from 1965-present These SceneMaster accessories are a great way to detail any modern HO layout! The set includes 10 small and one large flag printed in full color and complete with poles, perfect for display at schools, homes, factories, businesses and all types of government and public buildings. The set also includes eight mailboxes (4 open and 4 closed) with posts, perfect for many city neighborhoods or farm homes.
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