Rapido 171003-2 - HO B-50-15 Boxcar - As Built w/ Viking Roof - Southern Pacific (1931 to 1946 sc...

        Rapido 171003-2 - HO B-50-15 Boxcar - As Built w/ Viking Roof - Southern Pacific (1931 to 1946 scheme) #15294

        SKU: 606-171003-2
        HO B-50-15 Boxcar - As Built w/ Viking Roof - Southern Pacific (1931 to 1946 scheme) #15294
        Not rated yet
        Rapido Trains
          • 15% less
          Market price:CA$64.95
          Save CA$9.96
        • CA$54.99
        Only 1 left in stock
        HO B-50-15 Boxcar - As Built w/ Viking Roof - Southern Pacific (1931 to 1946 scheme) #15294 Rapidos new HO scale model of these classic boxcars include a variety of unique details, including: Accurate sides in both wood and steel styles Viking and Murphy roofs Corrugated and Dreadnaught ends K- and AB-style brake systems as appropriate Separate ladders and grab irons All-new T-section trucks Free rolling turned metal wheelsets Carmer cut levers Metal stirrup steps Semi-scale couplers Accurate paint and lettering
          • SKU
        • Manufacturer
          Rapido Trains
        • Road Name
          Southern Pacific
        • YouTube Video Link
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