Digitrax DS74 - Quad Switch Stationary Decoder

        Digitrax DS74 - Quad Switch Stationary Decoder

        SKU: 245-DS74
        DS74 - Quad Switch Stationary Decoder
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          Market price:CA$102.98
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        • CA$89.99
        In stock(4 items available)
        DS74 - Quad Switch Stationary Decoder - Quad switch decoder for Solenoid or Slow-motion turnouts. - Configurable for Capacitive Discharge with balky solenoids. - Configurable for on/off control of 8 layout lights. - Plug and play wire connectorization. - Works with compatible LocoNet Systems. - Stabilized and adjustable output voltages. - Option setup switches for configuration. - On-layout programmability via LocoNet. - 8 onboard Routes, with EZ-Route setup. - Routes directly editable using latest DT602 IPL. - 8 input lines for Switch and Detection inputs. - Field firmware update via IPL over LocoNet. - DC 2mm jack for reliable power input. - Optional DCC track inputs for limited feature capabilities.
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