DCC Specialties - Screw Terminal Kit for PSX or PSXX Power Shield Circuit Breakers (6pcs)

        DCC Specialties - Screw Terminal Kit for PSX or PSXX Power Shield Circuit Breakers (6pcs)

        SKU: 246-PSXX-AR Screw Terminal
        Screw Terminal Kit for PSX or PSXX Power Shield Circuit Breakers (6pcs)
        Not rated yet
        DCC Specialties
        • CA$20.99
        In stock(2 items available)
        Screw Terminal Kit for PSX or PSXX Power Shield Circuit Breakers (6pcs) A complete screw terminal kit for a single PSX or PSXX circuit breaker. For example, if you order a PSXX2, order two Screw Terminal kits. Each kit comprises 22 PINS so you can easily wire your LEDs, Opto Sensors, and other hardware to the PSX Circuit Breaker.
          • SKU
            246-PSXX-AR Screw Terminal
        • Manufacturer
          DCC Specialties
        • YouTube Video Link
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