Athearn Genesis G30724 - HO GP18 - DCC & Sound - Conrail #7499

        Athearn Genesis G30724 - HO GP18 - DCC & Sound - Conrail #7499

        SKU: 140-G30724
        HO GP18 - DCC & Sound - Conrail #7499
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        HO GP18 - DCC & Sound - Conrail #7499 Detailed Information CR FEATURES: Ex LV #305, faded paint effect with CR patched markings Lehigh Valley was folded into the U.S. governments bailout of Penn Central and became a founding member of Conrail in 1976. The collection of four GP18s went on from Lehigh Valley to serve Conrail as its 7496-7499. The units initially wore patched out Lehigh Valley dress with -CR- markings and all eventually saw repainting into Conrail blue. GP18 SERIES LOCOMOTIVE FEATURES: Full cab interior Wire grab irons Coupler cut levers See-through cab windows Flexible rubber trainline hose Flexible rubber MU hoses Drop steps unless noted -Nub- style walkway tread Lift rings Sander lines Windshield wipers MU stands Bell placement & type per prototype Etched metal radiator intake grilles and fan grilles Air tanks mounted below sill unless noted Blomberg-B trucks with appropriate bearing caps Speed recorder unless noted Accurately-painted and printed paint schemes Body-mounted McHenry operating scale knuckle couplers Fully-assembled and ready-to-run DCC-ready features Quick Plug plug-and-play technology with 21-pin NEM connector Scaled from prototype resources including drawings, field measurements, photographs, and more Fine-scale Celcon handrails for scale appearance Detailed fuel tank with fuel fillers, fuel gauges, breather pipes, and retention tanks Genesis driveline with 5-pole skew wound motor, precision machined flywheels, and multi-link drivetrain All-wheel drive with precision gears for smooth & quiet operation All-wheel electrical pickup provides reliable current flow Wheels with RP25 contours operate on all popular brands of track Bidirectional constant LED lighting so headlight brightness remains constant Heavy die-cast frame for greater traction and more pulling power Packaging securely holds model for safe storage Minimum radius: 18inch Recommended radius: 22inch PRIMED FOR GRIME MODELS FEATURE Duplicated look and feel of -In Service- equipment Faded base colors matched to the prototype Perfect starting point for adding grime and rust SOUND-EQUPPED MODELS ALSO FEATURE Onboard DCC decoder with SoundTraxx Tsunami2 sound Dual cube speakers for optimal sound quality Sound units operate in both DC and DCC Full DCC functions available when operated in DCC mode Engine, horn, and bell sounds work in DC All functions NMRA compatible in DCC mode Precision slow speed control
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