ITLA ScaleModelsInc HO 4152 Industrial Building D Kit , Shadow Relief

        ITLA ScaleModelsInc HO 4152 Industrial Building D Kit , Shadow Relief

        SKU: ITLA-4152
        ITLA ScaleModelsInc HO 4152 Industrial Building D Kit , Shadow Relief
        Not rated yet
        • CA$52.99
        Out of stock
        ITLA ScaleModelsInc HO 4152 Industrial Building D Kit , Shadow Relief Features... Brick background structure (7.5 In W by 1.5 In deep by 5.5 In H), laser etched, cut wood construction. Paint and wall sign not included. Kit includes the following... 1 Roof Top Staircase Exit 2 Brick Chimneys Finely detailed Office Door, steps, railings and security bars (door can be modelled open or closed) Finely etched Loading Dock Doors are positionable on their tracks and cover wall openings which accept our Loading Dock Interior Kit (available separately) 10 separate window sills which enable no-mask painting Window openings include 8 fixed glass frames and 2 with ventilator fans Multiple window treatments are possible by using the window knockouts included Separate etched brick Roof Cornice & vertical Pilaster Brick trim strips (may also be reversed to simulate concrete)
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        • Manufacturer
          ITLA Scale Models
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